
Ship efficiency

Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) Calculation

The IMO (MEPC 76) has included amendments to MARPOL Annex VI to reduce greenhouse gases. These amendments combine technical and operational approaches to improving the energy efficiency of ships and provide important building blocks for future greenhouse gas reduction measures.

These new measures require all ships to calculate their Energy Efficiency Index (EEXI) using technical means to improve their energy efficiency. Ships must receive an EEXI certification once in their lifetime, no later than the first periodic survey in 2023.

There are differences between the two required EEXI values:

Required EEXI value is determined by vessel type, vessel capacity, and propulsion principle and is the maximum acceptable achieved EEXI value.

Achieved EEXI value must be calculated for the individual ship covered by the regulation.

Our service offer:

  • Calculation of the achieved EEXI and the required EPL or ShaPoLi.
  • Support in the creation of a valid speed-power curve
  • Delivery of the technical EEXI file
  • Short evaluation of other improvement possibilities
  • Performed by experienced naval architects and master mariners with over 20 years of experience
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