Maritime Cluster Northern Germany (MCN) Ship Efficiency Guideline – Survey

Guide to ship efficiency and your further development – join us in helping!

Our Managing Director Nadine Paschen was one of the authors for the developed Ship Efficiency Guide of the Maritime Cluster Northern Germany.

Together with the team of authors, an important contribution was made to the creation of the first edition of the MCN guide “Ship Efficiency in the Context of EEDI, EEXI and CII – The MCN Guide”.

The specialist group Ship Efficiency of the Maritime Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. would like to regularly update, expand and at the same time improve this document. We would be very grateful for your continued support.
Please take 10 minutes, follow this link: and answer the questions on the first edition of our MCN guide. Thank you very much.
This survey will be available until February 8, 2023.
We look forward to your comments with great interest.

If you have not yet seen the guide, please find the link:

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